Generator Racing Is Another Self-Powered Slot Car Alternative

Joel Williams Avatar
Joel Williams Avatar


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Generator Racing (Image courtesy BoysStuff)

I still prefer this version we brought you last October which folds up into a briefcase-sized kit, but if you’re looking for a more elaborate self-powered slot car setup, this Generator Racing is the way to go. Like the “Race In A Case” the cars in this set are powered by a couple of hand-cranked generators, allowing you to control their speed based on how intensely you crank the handles. But this version comes with 30 pieces of track allowing you to setup your own course, and like with old-timey slot cars I assume multiple sets can be combined into one larger, epic course, allowing you to race your friends for the Champion of the Universe title. Available from BoysStuff for about $57. (£39.95)

[ Generator Racing ] VIA [ Coolest Gadgets ]

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