Genuine Fake Bookshelf Wallpaper (Images courtesy Deborah Bowness)
By Andrew Liszewski

As fun as they might be your collection of Nerf toys, video game consoles and Star Wars figures probably doesn’t make you look like the greatest of intellects when your friends visit. So why not class up the place with this Genuine Fake Bookshelf wallpaper created by designer Deborah Bowness.

In reality it will probably only fool your stupidest of friends but the fact that you’ve gone to the trouble of putting up this custom wallpaper should at least impress a few people. I have to say I like the choice of using well worn volumes and manuscripts on the shelf rather than the stuffy hardcover books typically seen in the background of grade school photos.

The wallpaper is available for sale but you’ll need to contact Deborah or her other international representatives to place an order.

[ Genuine Fake Bookshelf ] VIA [ bookofjoe ]