Gift Alarm Catches Kids Who Peek at Presents Red-Handed

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Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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Gift Alarm

Kids sneaking around their parents’ closet is almost a tradition as we inch closer to Christmas. It’s painfully obvious if they’ve done a bit of peeking as well, since their faces already show disappointment (if they don’t like the gift) or forced excitement (if they like it) as they take their wrapped present from under the tree.

You can’t always be around to guard your closet or wherever your hiding place for presents is, but you can let the Gift Alarm do the guarding for you. It has a built-in motion sensor that detects movement near the place where the gift is. Once it does, it sounds an alarm, which will most likely send whoever is sneaking around into hiding.

Turn your Christmas tree into Fort Knox with the Gift Alarm.The whole point of wrapping gifts is so they’ll be a surprise, not so people can peel back the paper and peep. If some lookie-loo tries to approach their stack of gifts, the alarm goes into DEFCON 1 with a loud siren and flashing red light. It’s not Christmas specific, so you could also use this to protect the last piece of cake or your diary.

The Gift Alarm is available for $13.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Laughing Squid ]

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