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Goodbye (Images courtesy Terminator 2)
By Andrew Liszewski

My first post on OhGizmo! appeared on February 10, 2006. Over 5 years and 5,877 posts ago. But all good things must come to an end. So it’s with a bit of sadness (but also excitement for the future) that I officially publish my last post here on the OG. I’ve had some amazing experiences during my time here, met some fascinating people, played with some fun toys and even made a few enemies. But having the opportunity to do something I’ve truly enjoyed, day in and day out for the past 5 years, has easily been the best part.

I’d like to thank David for giving me a chance back in the day. And for giving me the creative freedom to hunt down and write about a wide range of gadgets and gizmos that have hopefully made for some interesting reading over the years. I’ve also been lucky enough to work with some very talented individuals including Evan and Chris, whose contributions made this job even more interesting. I’d also like to thank all of the regular readers and commenters who provided a daily barrage of humorous commentary, and the occasional correction. And to everyone else who’s fortunate enough to spend their days writing about technology; thanks for linking to OhGizmo! and my posts over the years.

But rest assured I’m not walking away from this blogging thing. I’m joining another team of very talented writers, and if you follow a variety of gadget blogs I think there’s a pretty good chance you’ll easily find my sarcastic rants and opinions again in the coming weeks.


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