Goodbye, F-117A. We’ll Miss Not Seeing You

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Evan Ackerman Avatar


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By Evan Ackerman

Although you can’t buy one, the F-117A Night Hawk stealth fighter is perhaps one of the coolest gadgets to be produced in the last few decades. The entire fleet of 52 planes was informally retired on Tuesday in order to free up money for F-22 Raptors and F-35 Lightning IIs. They’re not going to be sold off to museums or scrapped or anything like that; they’ve proven their combat effectiveness and will be held in reserve in case they’re needed again at some point in the future, which is the same thing that happened to the battleship Missouri. Anyway, after the jump, I just thought I’d post some pics of this excitingly chunky, totally badass airplane.

If you have any cool pics of the F-117A, link to them in the comments, and I’ll add them.




F-117A on Wikipedia (the Air Force official fact sheet appears to be full of errors, including the title. Go figure.)

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