Google+ Has 100 Million Users. So What?

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Christen da Costa Avatar


Key Takeaways

Google has been trying to get in the social game for a while now, but it’s not easy to unseat the behemoth Facebook. According to some research by law firm Morrison & Foerster’s Socially Aware Blog, Google+ now has about 100 million active users per month. Not a small number, to be sure. But here’s the catch: the users there spend a total of 3 minutes on the site each month. In contrast, Facebook’s 1 billion+ users clock in at 6.75 hours monthly. That’s an astounding difference, and one that makes it pretty clear why Facebook is still far and wide the leader of social.

The firm produced an infographic that’s chock full of data about how we spend our time online. For example, Americans have reduced their time watching regular TV from 71.1 hours in 2006, to 59.4 hours in 2011. Conversely, time spent watching TV online has gone up almost fourfold from 6.3hrs to 23.1hrs in the same period. It’s clear that the Internet has entered a coming-of-age period where the gee-whiz this-is-awesome feelgoodery of the early 2,000’s has given place to a more mature and entrenched recognition that online is where an increasing portion of society is choosing to spend their lives. Video may have killed the radio star, but the Internet is going to reshape our society in ways that are still hard to predict, but always exciting to monitor.

Hit the jump for the full infographic.

[ Socially Aware Blog] VIA [ UberGizmo ]

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