GRETA Portable GSM Fax & Printer Combines The Old With The New

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GRETA Portable GSM Fax & Printer (Image courtesy Possio)
By Andrew Liszewski

Through some miracle, and possibly a well-funded lobbyist group in Washington, the fax machine has managed to avoid extinction in offices across the land. And now it’s even managed to break free of the office confines with the GRETA portable fax machine, printer and scanner. Thanks to a GSM slot (in the US it operates on T-Mobile’s network) the GRETA can send and receive faxes pretty much anywhere your cellphone gets a signal.

It also doubles as a printer and scanner when connected to a laptop or PC, or as a standalone copier, and while the use of thermal paper does mean you don’t have to worry about ink cartridges, it also means you can’t just use regular copier paper if you run out. Since it has its own mobile number you can even use it as a cellphone in a pinch by connecting a headset, or have it automatically print any SMS messages sent its way. Now I’m not entirely sure if you have to pay T-Mobile every month if you buy and use the printer, but I’m suspecting/hoping those costs are rolled into the GRETA’s steep $793.99 price tag.

[ GRETA Portable GSM Fax & Printer ] VIA [ The Gadgeteer ]

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