
There’s something satisfying about enhancing your home-cooked meals with herbs and spices you’ve grown yourself. But that’s an argument that often falls on deaf ears due to the effort involved and the fact that most people are, sadly, clumsy plant killers. It doesn’t have to be that way, and the Click And Grow Flowerpot might just have enough tech to make the endeavour attainable. The idea is simple: add water, the flowerpot will take care of the rest. It comes with its own soil and seed cartridge, LED light and sensors. Your job is to fill the water tank, and insert four AA batteries. The device waters the soil when needed, and regulates the light to ensure that your plants are constantly in an ideal growth environment. Every now and then you have to refill the water thank, but that’s it. Within four months you can have a new crop of hot peppers, or whatever else you might have purchased. If you wish to start over after you’ve eaten it all, just buy a new cartridge. Cartridges come in several flavors, from hot peppers to basil, to mini tomatoes.

Ok, you’re going to be paying left and right to do something that can be done for a fraction of the price, that’s true. But this product is really only for those of you who’ve tried to grow something in the past and have failed miserably. It happens. With the Click And Grow, you can succeed, even if you did have to throw $79 worth of tech at the problem. Oh, and $20 for every new soil cartridge.


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