Guy Builds Homebrew Batman Tumbler – Becomes King Of The Internet For A Day

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Bob Dullam\'s Tumbler (Images courtesy Jalopnik)
By Andrew Liszewski

You’re probably going to see this story and these photos pop-up all over the internet today, but as far as I’m concerned, this guy totally deserves his 15+ minutes of fame. Bob Dullam did what most Batman Begins & The Dark Knight fans can only dream of, he built his own working replica of the Tumbler batmobile in his two-car garage using nothing more than photos and extra features from the DVD as reference. He’s been posting pictures of his progress on the SuperHeroHype Forums and apparently intends to build his own Batpod replica next. (Even though it was apparently next to impossible to actually drive.) In the end Bob estimates his Tumbler replica will have cost him between $50,000 to $70,000, but even if all of his neighbors have Veyrons parked in their driveways, I guarantee this thing will turn more heads.

[ SuperHeroHype Boards – My Tumbler Progress ] VIA [ Jalopnik ]

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