Hackycat Wants You to Kick Cats and Collect Cheezburgers–All In the Name of Fun!

Andrew Liszewski Avatar
Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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Love them or hate them, cats and the hoards of cat-related memes, games, and images spread all over the interwebs are here to stay. The newest is Hackycat, which wants you to save cats from exploding–because for some reason, they’ll get blown to bits if they hit the ground–by kicking them. It’s either a sore behind or, well, an impending explosion, so I’d definitely choose the former if I were a cat.

To make things more fun and challenging, the player can get some awesome power-ups and superkicks by collecting cheezburgers (without the ‘E’), because yeah, we all know the secret to a long and active life are these calorie-filled sandwiches. Hit the break for a trailer of the game.

Save really cute cats from exploding. By kicking them. Tap cats to bounce them in the air. If any cat hits the ground, it’s game over! Choose your athlete and join the official Hackycat competition!
NOTE: All the cats in this game are trained professionals. Do not try this at home with your domestic grade pets.

You can download Hackycat on iTunes for $0.99.

[ Hackycat ] VIA [ Laughing Squid ]

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