By Andrew Liszewski
Even though it lacked the James Bond theme, Perfect Dark on the N64 was a pretty great follow-up to the amazing Goldeneye. One of the game’s features we particularly liked was that it kept a running total of everything from the body count, to the miles we ran, to how many bullets we fired. It really helped put our Summers spent on the couch in perspective. Bungie does the same kind of stat tracking with Halo 3 (though far more in-depth) and thanks to millions of players around the world, the game’s official ‘Enemies KIA’ body count surpassed the Earth’s population sometime late on June 20 or early on June 21. At that point the Halo 3 Campaign Kill Count numbered 6,719,996,560, while the estimated world population was 6,705,066,871. Of course the body count on continues to grow at an impressive rate on a daily basis, and as of writing this post it now stands at 6,752,229,647. So congratulations all you Halo 3 players… I guess.
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