We sense a disturbance in the force. It’s… it’s as if a new Star Wars movie is being made… and suddenly the market is flooded with all kinds of merchandise. What else can help explain the fact that you’re looking (and even perhaps contemplating buying) a toilet seat sporting the iconic Hal Solo Frozen In Carbonite image? Brushing aside the indignity of having Han preside over your smelly expulsions, the seat itself is carefully hand-painted by an artist in New Hampshire. It’s made from wood and should feel like a quality product. There’s also a Satisfaction Guarantee on the purchase, so if you don’t feel right about the $60 you’ll have to spend to own this, you can easily get a refund. Each one is custom made, and takes between 7 and 14 days to ship out.
[ Product Page ] VIA [ TechnaBob ] AND [ Creepbay ]