Handiheadset is a Headset That Looks Like Your Hand

Andrew Liszewski Avatar
Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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Headsets exist so you don’t have to keep holding your phone up to your ear when you’re making calls. And then there’s the Handiheadset, which is a headset in the form of a hand making the “call me” sign. Designed by Stephen Moore to “make the world a little more surreal,” the Handiheadset is compatible with most mobile phones and PCs.

You might look a little strange with this hand in your face during a video conference, but that’s probably the point.

The Handiheadset is currently up for funding on Kickstarter, where a minimum pledge of t £20 (about $33) will get you one of your very own.

[ Kickstarter ]VIA [ Incredible Things ]

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