By Andrew Liszewski
To the untrained eye this hands-free sandwich holder might look suspiciously look like a re-purposed harmonica holder. But that kind of thinking only serves to take away from the brilliance of what could be the first great gadget of the 21st century. Don’t believe me? Try using your iPhone to hold a sandwich… Go ahead, try it! I think you’ll end up with the same results I did, and probably the same dubious stare from the genius at the Apple store. (Apparently that water sensor is just as adept at detecting mayo.)
I’ve no idea where one can buy one of these sadly, but since I’m convinced the inventor of the harmonica holder stole the idea from whoever created this, you might luck out and find something close at your local music store.
[ Afternoon Snooze Button – Hands-Free Sandwich Holder ] VIA [ BuzzFeed ]