Hangover Prevention Patch: Can You Drink To Your Liver’s Discontent?

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Christen da Costa Avatar


Key Takeaways

hangover-prevention-patch-300x250There are those who will believe the above patch works wonders, and those who’ll throw the science at you. Honestly, we tend to stand on the side of science, so be warned that the ByTox hangover prevention patch may not do anything at all. But if you’ve got several drinking sessions ahead of you, it’s going to cost you all of $4 to add an extra layer of “protection”. ByTox is a patch worn on the skin that purports to replenish vitamins and “acids your body loses” while you drink, and reduces the effects of the next day’s hangover. Honestly, you’d be much better off drinking liquids with electrolytes (like Gatorade) alongside the alcohol you imbibe, but that’s sometimes hard to do in some settings. There might be a placebo effect at work here, so it might be worth a try.

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