Happy New Year - 2007 (Image property of OhGizmo)By Andrew Liszewski

Well 2006 has come and gone and is now nothing but a fading memory. While David is still recovering from a long overdue vacation let me take a few minutes to reminisce and look back at the year before it’s completely forgotten. (Well forgotten but still conveniently available in our archives!)

First off it was definitely a big year for us. Besides finally updating OhGizmo‘s look there was a lot of ‘under the hood’ and ‘behind the scenes’ updates that improved the site both for us and for our readers. Of course we’re not planning to just sit back and coast now, we’ve got quite a few things already in the works for 2007. While I’m not at liberty to say what they are at this time I can give you a two-word hint. Awe and Some…

In terms of gizmos while 2006 ushered in a lot of great improvements and updated versions of our beloved gadgets & toys there wasn’t a lot that broke new ground like the original iPod or Blackberry did. 2006 did however usher in yet another new era of console gaming with all 3 of the big players releasing new hardware. (Yeah yeah, the 360 was technically late 2005.) Who would have thought the little Wii would have stolen the show by Christmas time? Sadly though as fun as the new consoles are, many blame all that new hardware for contributing to the demise of the E3 show we all knew and loved. Let’s just take a moment to remember all the commercialism that was E3… Ok that’s enough.

So now that 2007 is upon us we can ponder what new bleeding edge technology will be showing up on our credit card bills this year. Is an iPod phone finally en-route? Will we ever be able to simply walk into a store and buy a Wii rather than lining up at 5am in the morning? Does the Red One digital camera have what it takes to win over Hollywood? Will OhGizmo ever take down that Christmas lights logo graphic? (I’m on it, I’m on it.)

Anyways from all of us here at OhGizmo I wish you a Happy New Year and would like to take this moment to sincerely thank all of our loyal readers.