Hasbro Delivers A Flying Millennium Falcon

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By Chris Scott Barr

Almost every geeky kid dreamed of being able to fly the Millennium Falcon. That is unless you were a Star Trek fan. Were/are you a Star Trek fan? Then keep moving, because these aren’t the droids you’re looking for. Anywho, Hasbro has finally given us the opportunity to fly our very own replica Falcon. Unfortunately it comes in the form of a cheesy helicopter-like toy.

This 11-inch by 8-inch toy was just announced at the Toy Fair. It looks like you’re going to get the Falcon and a charging remote for $50 this fall. I’m hoping that it flies a little better than some of the other R/C helicopters I’ve flown in the past. I guess what I’m saying is that while I know she doesn’t look like much, I’m just hoping she’s got it where it counts.

[ Hasboro ] VIA [ Gizmodo ]

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