By David Ponce
We’re not quite sure what to make of the range of salts being sold by this London outfit. Called The hoxton Street Monster Supplies, they bill themselves as ” being London’s, and quite possibly the world’s, only purveyor of quality goods for monsters of every kind.” These quality goods include the aforementioned salts, which the company claim are harvested from human tears. There are Salts Made From Tears of Anger, Chopping Onions, Sneezing, Laughter, and Sorrow.
Salt Made From Tears combines centuries-old craft with the freshest human tears which are gently boiled, released into shallow crystallisation tanks, then harvested by hand and finally rinsed in brine. Experience the full range of these flavours in this exclusive collection.
Our guess is that is just sea salt that’s being cleverly marketed; they’d run into a bunch of hygiene and health regulation hurdles otherwise. But what do we know? It might be the real deal. It is £30.00, although they deliver only in the UK for now.
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