Healthy Food Sculptures are Pure Win

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Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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Food Sculptures

Parents are always telling their kids not to play with their food. But on the off-chance that it can lead to this, I’d let my (future) kids play with their food all they want.

These impressive food sculptures are the work of Romania-based photographer Dan Cretu, who uses a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables to create everyday objects like motorcycles, radios, cassette tapes, and cameras. The slide-out matchbox with matchsticks is my favorite in the series. Due to the organic nature of Dan’s fresh sculptures, each one of them had to be constructed and photographed within a matter of four hours.

Hit the break to check out more sculptures from the series.

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Food Sculptures2

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You can buy prints of Dan’s work on his Etsy shop.

VIA [ Incredible Things ]

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