Heated Pants Keep Your Legs Toasty All Winter

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Chris Scott Barr Avatar


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By Luke Anderson

Every year at about this time I start to get really antsy for Spring. That’s because we start to get a taste of warmer weather for a day or so, then it turns back to bitter cold for a week. Despite my affinity for technology and the amount of my time spent in front of a computer, I like spending time outdoors. Unfortunately when it’s cold out, I prefer to stay inside where it is cozy and warm. So how does one beat the cold without putting on layers upon layers of clothing? With heated pants of course.

These heated pants aren’t the most stylish out there, though the gray ones don’t look half bad. I was always told that it’s what’s on the inside that counts. In this case, the built-in heater is what really matters. If you’re going to be out in the cold for long periods, it’s not really going to matter what your pants look like if they’re keeping you warm. The heater is powered by a rechargeable battery that slips into your pocket. These toasty pants will set you back a cool $121.

[ DogFunk ] VIA [ Coolest-Gadgets ]

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