Heavy Metal Hero: Fan-Made Iron Man Gauntlet Can Shoot Real Lasers

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Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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Have you ever felt so passionate about something that you just wanted to break out the tools and make something to that thing you’re so passionate about? Well, I never did, since I’m not really good with the DIY stuff, but Patrick Priebe is–and he’s showing the rest of the world just how awesome he is at it by making this Iron Man gauntlet.

The gauntlet isn’t all for show. It can actually shoot high-powered lasers that have the capacity to burn stuff (ouch!) and pop balloons. He didn’t do any tutorials or post any in-the-making images so you won’t be able to replicate this at home, unless you do so with your own resourcefulness and ingenuity.

Hit the break for a video of the gauntlet in action.

VIA [ Obvious Winner ]

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