Hedgehog Toothpick Holder Will Tell Your Guests What Kind Of Host You Are

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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Just don’t ask us what that means exactly. Being the kind of host that serves hors-d’oeuvres in a bowl on which is perched the above toothpick holder would tell us all kinds of things, but since we’re I’m socially inept, I’m not sure what those things are. It could say you’ve got a quirky sense of humor, along with making a statement about how you like to pay attention to detail. Or it could mean that you’re just really into hedgehogs. Or that you like cute things. Because hey, that thing is nothing if not cute.

The price is kind of cute too, though. For what’s basically a little novelty item, you’re going to have to pay $25. It’s being sold at the MoMA store, so someone associated with that institution deemed the little fella cool enough to make the cut. Maybe that explains the premium.


[ Product page ] VIA [ HolyCool ]

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