There’s an entire industry dedicated to accessorizing the iDevices. Most of it is rubbish, but every now and then we come across a product that stands out for one reason or other. The iPhone Gramophone from Restoration Hardware is one such product, providing your household with a particular allure that traditional docks just don’t have. It’s a passive amplification device, meaning it uses no power to project the sound coming from the phone, but still manages a three to fourfold increase in volume. The base is made from solid walnut and walnut veneer, and the horn from iron and brass. It looks like it belongs in a pre-industrial setting and provided you’ve decorated your living space tastefully, will stand out a lot more than some futuristic looking dock from the likes of Bose or Altec Lansing.
It’s $249, and an iPad version costs $299.
[ Product Page ] VIA [ ChipChick ]