Who knew that the venerable game of beer pong could use a little bit of structural engineering improvements? Yet, there you have it: Hexacups are undeniably better than regular beer cups. Their hexagonal shape give them a few advantages. For one, they’re much harder to crush. Drunk frat boys tossing ping pong balls around will sometimes fall over and screw the pooch. Also, they’re much easier to rack; just press them together and the straight edges will align themselves in 1/4 of the time it normally takes. Also, since the edges are touching, there’s no gaps, nor any way for a stray cup to just fall over or move around during play. At a $15 pledge for a basic set of 22 cups and 3 balls, it’s priced just right. It’s a Kickstarter that has yet to reach its goal, but they’re not far off.
[ Project Page ] VIA [ Geekologie ]