By Andrew Liszewski
They say at your last time at bat it’s nice to hit a home run. And while I’m not sure if Hitachi, who’s leaving the TV business at the end of the year, has quite put it out of the park with the six new models they announced today. Their new flagship model, the P50-GP08, is a solid triple for sure. It’s a full HD (1920×1080) 50-inch plasma display with a 5,000,000:1 contrast ratio that’s also 3D capable. But it’s the extras that make it lustworty. Besides 4 HDMI connections it’s also got 5 separate TV tuners built in, a removable 500GB hard drive presumably for PVR purposes, web connectivity and a motion sensor that will automagically turn it off after people have left the room.
But it’s the soon-to-be-released Wooo remote app for the iPhone and iPad is what I’m lusting after. I’m assuming it connects to the TV over wifi because in addition to letting you change channels and volume, an interactive program guide, easier access to settings and other mundane stuff, the app lets you stream recordings from the P50-GP08’s hard drive! That alone is worth the price of admission if you ask me. Which should be around $4,200 in August, if you live in Japan.
[ AV Watch – Hitachi’s New Wooo Flatscreen TVs ] VIA [ TechCrunch ]