Holy Grail Prop Replica Doesn’t Grant Eternal Life, Just Holds Paperclips, Possibly Eternally

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Indiana Jones Holy Grail Paperclip Magnet Desk Accessory (Image courtesy Entertainment Earth)
By Andrew Liszewski

Why spend your life studying the Knights Templar and other historical figures in your quest to find the Holy Grail when a quick visit to Entertainment Earth and $31.99 will land you a replica that’s sure to fool your gullible friends? Unless they’ve seen Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade that is, in which case they’ll probably recognize this as a replica of the prop Grail created for that film. And hopefully they won’t ask to drink from your Grail in order to gain eternal life or heal a bullet wound, since the only magic this cup possesses is the magic of magnetism. It won’t do diddly-squat for people, but you won’t believe the power it has over paperclips!

[ Indiana Jones Holy Grail Paperclip Magnet Desk Accessory ] VIA [ MillionairePlayboy ]

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