Hornby Model Trains Getting A Digital Sound Upgrade

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Hornby Model Trains (Images courtesy Hornby)
By Andrew Liszewski

If there’s anything model railroad enthusiasts like it’s authenticity, and that’s exactly what Hornby is striving for with their new line of digital sound locomotives. Instead of using a central speaker to reproduce the sounds of the trains running around the miniature countryside, each engine has its own speaker so that the sound effects come from the appropriate place, and dynamically change depending on where the train is. (Like passing through a tunnel.) The samples used for the sound effects, like coal being shoveled into the firebox and whistles, were recorded from the real-life versions of each train where possible, and you can expect to pay in the neighborhood of $300-400 for your obsession with realism.

[ Pocket-lint – Hornby Digital Sound: give your tunnels sound love ]

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