Hospital Creates Superhero Fantasy To Soothe Children Undergoing Chemotherapy

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This story is blowing up online, and we can understand why. There’s very few things sadder than sick children, so when news that A.C.Camargo Cancer Center in São Paulo, Brazil had teamed up with Warner Bros. to create a genius program for cancer-stricken kids, the world took notice. They’ve decked out the entire ward in superhero paraphernalia, making kids feel as though they’re not really sick, only “regenerating their powers”. Stuff like this can go a long way to boost morale:

Covers for intravenous bags were constructed based on characters from the Justice League, creating…a child-friendly version of the treatment. Co-developed with doctors, the covers are easy to sterilize and handle and meet all hospital hygiene standards.

(The) experience went far beyond the covers by also providing a new look to the entire Children’s Ward: the game room was turned into the Hall of Justice, corridors and doors were decorated in the same theme, and the exterior acquired an exclusive entrance for these little heroes.

As any good cancer doctor will tell you, the most important step in fighting the disease is believing in a cure.

Boy do we wish that outside the box thinking like this happened more often; we’re pretty sure that sick kids stateside would love a program like this.

For a video of the rebranding, hit the jump.

[ BuzzFeed ] VIA [ Geekologie ]

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