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Hot Shoe Mountable Scope For Your SLR

Andrew Liszewski Avatar

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Wildlife Photography with Tactical Four Reticle Sight (Images courtesy Brando)
By Andrew Liszewski

While this hot shoe mountable laser scope may look like a ridiculous add-on suited for die-hard FPS fans, it probably does make it easier to track and photograph a moving subject when you’re not looking through the limited frame of your SLR’s viewfinder. Powered by a single CR2032 watch battery the scope doesn’t actually project a laser dot on your subject as if you were a sniper, but instead projects either a red or green reticle (point, circle point, circle cross or cross) onto the sight. It is a bit overkill since a reticle printed onto the scope would more than suffice, but I guess the illumination does make it easier to use at night. $39 from Brando.

[ Wildlife Photography with Tactical Four Reticle Sight ] VIA [ Gizmodo ]

Andrew Liszewski Avatar

3 responses to “Post Title”

  1. charleyhardman Avatar

    you've entirely missed the prime advantage of a reflex sight, which is not illumination, but the elimination of secondary (observer to scope) parallax. a reticle printed on the scope would, far from sufficing, be a non-functioning joke.

  2. Louis vuitton Avatar

    This design is very good .I like it

  3. Buy Shoes Avatar

    Great idear and great post. thank 🙂