How To Know Which VR Glasses You Should Buy

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Joel Williams Avatar


Key Takeaways

Tattooed guy with VR Glasses

Everybody has easy access to the virtual world these days. Thanks to the surge of various VR glasses in the market from both huge tech companies (Google, Samsung, and HTC) and from small tech brands. You can even get a pair for less than $10! Owning one isn’t really the problem now; it’s which pair of VR glasses to get.

Before you go get the most expensive and the latest VR glasses just because you think it’s the best, here are the things that you need to ask yourself:

How will I use my VR glasses?

Will you use it just to watch movies on using your smartphone or do you want to use it with your PlayStation VR? HTC Vive is perfect for movie streaming, but for console gaming, the PlayStation VR is the winner.

Is comfort your top priority?

You may still want to go for another round of games, but if your neck is easily strained with all the weight, you may want to go wtih an extra slim and lightweight one like the ACCUPiX Mybud.

How much is your budget?

If you’re after a high-end VR, you need to prepare somewhere between $400 to $800. But if you want an affordable option, which is still one of the overall best for virtual reality, the Samsung Gear VR Headset is highly recommended.

Need more help in deciding which VR glasses to buy? Here’s a detailed guide:

[How to Get Started with VR]

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