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Ice Dozer Mini 2.0 Gives You 360 Degrees Of Ice Scraping Power

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When the freezing rain falls and hardens to a diamond-like finish on your car, you have a few removal methods at your disposal. We tend to use the “spray anti-freeze on it and run your wipers for an hour method.” That does wonders for the wipers, we hear, but we don’t care much. But if you’re going to be diligent and scrape, then at least scrape efficiently. The Ice Dozer Mini 2.0 seems to fit that bill:

This serious tool packs 360 degrees of ice clearing performance, including 13 Flexiblade scraping fingers, and Tenderizers for softening up the hardest ice that you’ll find on your windshield.

Other features include a combination Squeegee/Brush, the IceNotch (for clearing windshield wipers) and the all-new Brass Frost Peeler – glass safe but particularly effective when dealing with the most annoying frost coating (the kind that seems ‘painted on’). All of this in an ergonomic package, including the PowerGrip which incorporates a Wrist Wrest for extra power and comfort.

$12 isn’t much to ask for a tool that’s likely to cut down your time and effort by a very reasonable factor.

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