iHome iP39 iPhone/iPod Dock Designed For Kitchens And Epicureans

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iHome iP39 iPhone/iPod Dock (Image courtesy iHome)
By Andrew Liszewski

You may question the need for an iPod/iPhone dock in your kitchen, but when you think about all the clever cooking related things you can do with either device, like downloading recipes, or following along with a cooking podcast, the idea does have some merit. Besides an alarm clock and an FM radio, which probably won’t see much use if you have an iDevice, the iP39 also has 2 independent cooking timers, a set of USB ports that can be used to charge other devices like a cellphone, a magnetic remote that sticks to the side so it doesn’t get misplaced, and of course a kitchen-friendly design with easy to clean membrane buttons.

At $99.99 I’d probably place it in the luxury category, since it’s far from being a must-have item for your kitchen. But if you have the counter space to waste, I guess it’s got enough functionality to not be accused of being a unitasker.

[ iHome iP39 iPhone/iPod Dock ] VIA [ 7Gadgets ]

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