Illumibowl Lights Up Your Toilet Bowl

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Joel Williams Avatar


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It’t the middle of the night and you have to pee. You get to the restroom, then are faced with a choice. Pee in the dark and risk missing your target, or turn the lights on and blind yourself for a couple of minutes. If only there were other options. There are, my friend, there are, and the Illumibowl is the latest. It’s a combination motion detector and bright LED that turns on as soon as you walk into the restroom. It simply clips to the side of the commode, so requires no installation or fussing about. It’ll cycle through some colors while you’re there, and then turn itself off after a minute if it senses no motion. Best of all, it’s super cheap, costing only a $15 pledge to get yours by January, and that’s including shipping.


[ Project Page ] VIA [ Engadget ]

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