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iMainGo iPod Speakers

Andrew Liszewski Avatar

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iMainGo iPod Speakers (Image courtesy CrunchGear)By Andrew Liszewski

There are portable iPod speakers available in every shape, color and material you can think of and they all share the common trait of sounding pretty terrible. Well maybe terrible is a bit strong but when compared to listening to an iPod connected to a home stereo setup the difference in sound quality is pretty noticeable.

But it seems a portable speaker called the iMainGo is breaking the mold. Not only is it just slightly larger than the current iPod video but it also sounds pretty amazing. In fact the good folks at gearfuse recently wrote a review of the iMainGo and were pretty surprised by its sound quality. They were able to crank their iPods volume up to about 95% before the sound started losing quality and that was because the track they were testing was particularly bass heavy. In theory some tracks could probably be pushed all the way to 100%.

As for specs the iMainGo connects to the iPod via the headphone jack (which means it can connect to any device with a headphone jack) and has an iPod pocket with a clear vinyl face allowing you to access the control wheel while it’s inside. It even includes several adapters to allow older iPod models to fit inside. The iMainGo even has impressive battery life and will run for about 30 hours on 4 AAA batteries.

The iMainGo speakers are available now for $69.95 so in this case it seems you get more than what you pay for.

[ iMainGo iPod Speakers ] VIA [ CrunchGear ]

Andrew Liszewski Avatar

3 responses to “Post Title”

  1. Steve Avatar

    The Imaingo is Great. This small speaker system is the best one on the market it so portable and it sounds truly amazing, you will not believe that this big sound is coming from this small device. Go listen to the Imaingo.