In Your Own Voice Storyteller Lets You Read Bedtime Stories To Your Kid Without Actually Being There

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In Your Own Voice Storyteller (Image courtesy Hammacher Schlemmer)
By Andrew Liszewski

This little device is not unlike the Photo Album Story Teller we brought you back in September. The technology is basically the same, but I think this time it’s used in a better application. Designed for kids who can’t read yet, or are in the process of learning, the generously-sized pen-shaped device lets you record yourself reading each page, and the recordings are then synchronized to a set of 600 dot-encoded stickers. All your child has to do is point the pen’s sensor tip at the sticker and they’ll hear you reading that excerpt. It also comes with 40 additional stickers that can be used to trigger amusing sound effects to punch up the story, and is available from Hammacher Schlemmer for $79.95.

[ In Your Own Voice Storyteller ] VIA [ The Red Ferret Journal ]

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