INCHworm Shoes

By Chris Scott Barr

I remember as a kid having to go to Payless Shoes a couple times a year (depending on my age) and picking out new shoes to replace the uncomfortably small ones on my feet. I was hard on shoes anyway, so I really didn’t mind picking out a nice new pair. My parents, on the other hand, weren’t usually as happy when they had to pay for yet another pair of shoes that I’ll outgrow. Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a shoe that grew with your foot? There is, it’s called the INCHworm.

These shoes have an accordion-like material around the arch of the foot, which can be pulled outward to increase the length of the shoe. All you have to do is press a button, pull, and your shoe can grow up to a full 3 sizes in ½ size increments. A small counter in the heel even lets you know which size the shoe currently is. For those worried that their child will wear out the shoes long before they outgrow them, the company assures us that they are some of the toughest shoes on the playground. They’ll definitely save parents some scratch at just $39.99 a pair.

[ INCHworm Shoes ] VIA [ CoolestGadgets ]


  1. Whoa .. pace yourself there Sandy. The gift of shoes just may blow his mind. You might want to save the shoes for next years gift and this year get him something less mind blowing like a gallon of milk.

  2. I heard about Inchworm shoes for kids, and wanted advice from someone who's kids have used them.

    Do the shoes get outworn before they get outgrown?

    What is the support like for the arch of the foot?


  3. Hi Sandy,

    Did you eveer buy your son the shoes? Can you give some feedback?

    Do the shoes get outworn before they get outgrown?

    What is the support like for the arch of the foot?
