Inflatable Outdoor Color Dot Game Keeps Hasbro’s Lawyers At A Safe Distance

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Inflatable Outdoor Color Dot Game (Image courtesy Hammacher Schlemmer)
By Andrew Liszewski

Like those gigantic backyard chess sets that only millionaires keep on hand, this monstrous 15 by 15 foot inflatable version of Twister will keep up to 10 players awkwardly touching and climbing all over each other. Except that since Hasbro has nothing to do with this version, you’ll have to remember to invite your friends over to play that ‘color dot game’ to avoid lawsuits and the like.

The massive playing surface is filled with 64 color dots, and players are assigned a color and body part thanks to a carnival-like 3-foot spinning wheel. It also includes a 1HP air blower which continually keeps the playing mat inflated under the weight of 10 people thrashing about. Oh and it it will set you back $2,000 from where else than Hammacher Schlemmer.

[ Inflatable Outdoor Color Dot Game ] VIA [ 7Gadgets ]

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