Inflatable Star Wars Pool Toys Means Summer’s Just A Few Parsecs Away

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Star Wars Inflatable Toys (Images courtesy
By Andrew Liszewski

There’s no surer sign that Summer is just around the corner than the stores filling up with beach and water toys. And what better way to have fun in the sun (or suns, depending on where you live) than with a collection of Star Wars inflatable toys? These come courtesy of Jakks Pacific and include everything from the Millennium Falcon, to an X-Wing, to Anakin’s and Obi-Wan’s starfighters from the prequels. (Not pictured.) And as asks, why has it taken 31 years to get an inflatable Death Star beach ball?

Sadly, that R2-D2 floating drink holder won’t be out until next year, but you should be able to find the rest of them at Target stores in the US, or Walmart stores in Canada, though I have no idea on the pricing.

[ – Blow Up The Death Star! ] VIA [ TheForce.Net ]

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