By Andrew Liszewski
I can understand the frustration when a hotel room doesn’t have enough power outlets, but I don’t know if I’ve ever had a room that lacked places to hang things. And to be honest, besides travelers I can’t think of too many other people who would be interested in a combination coat hook/alarm clock thermometer. But since this isn’t even an over-the-door hook, it means you’d have to mount it on the wall of your room, which most hotels would probably frown upon.
In fact it’s even useless as a way to know if you should grab a coat as you’re heading out the door, since it’s only displaying the temperature indoors. But on the glass is half full side of things, at least the hook is made from aluminum instead of plastic, and the clock includes an alarm function. But I can think of far better ways to drain a couple of AAA batteries.
You can find it at for about $20.
[ Info Center Coat Hook ] VIA [ GeekAlerts ]