By Asim Waqar
Now that you have discovered the Usenet and BitTorrent, what are you to do with all of those DVD’s you will want to store for future use? We all know what a nightmare unprotected DVD’s can become when you go to your porn movie library only to find your favourite DVD is ruined because you stored it incorrectly. Your new best friend should be the Playo Ejector by ABCron.
It’s a case, within which the disc is held in suspended storage and is ejected halfway out by pressing the ejector trigger. The suspended storage and ergonomic extraction method guarantee the best possible protection of your stored data. The ejector disc protector is lightweight, highly transparent, and extremely resistant and secure against damage.
Visit the product page here. Price not yet published.
Update: As per an ongoing rant in the comments, let it be known these are OLD, like nice fermented delicious cheese! [-Ed]