IntelliGuard’s RAVENAlert Keychain Fob Keeps Students And Staff Aware Of Campus Emergencies

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IntelliGuard's RAVENAlert Keychain (Image courtesy IntelliGuard)
By Andrew Liszewski

It’s kind of upsetting that a product like this even has to exist, and I feel that IntelliGuard is maybe fear mongering parents who have just sent their kids off to school, but their RAVENAlert keychain fob promises to keep students and staff at colleges and universities aware of emergencies or other situations within 15 to 20 seconds of the news being dispatched from campus security.

These days a lot of schools simply send out mass txt messages to keep everyone informed, but during an emergency cellphone networks can easily get overwhelmed as everyone in the vicinity starts making calls. But the RAVENAlert system uses a proprietary one-way wireless network to broadcast news, updates and instructions to individual receivers like these, or publicly viewable displays and news tickers. So while not everyone has to carry around one of these fobs, it seems like the most effective solution given it will sound an alarm and vibrate when an alert is sent out, ensuring everyone on campus gets it. Now I’m pretty sure the cost of this system will be carried by the schools since safety is a big selling point to parents these days, but given how often I would even forget to bring a pen to class, I’m less than convinced that every student will be diligent about keeping one of these on their person at all times.

[ IntelliGuard’s RAVENAlert Keychain ] VIA [ Mobile Magazine ]

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