iPhone Quick Release System Demonstration Will Have You In Stitches, May Be Useful Someday

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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Ever wanted to whip your iPhone out from under your sleeve in a split-second? You know, like Ezio whips out his dagger in Assassin’s Creed? Or how Travis Bickle whips out his gun in Taxi Driver? No? How about you watch the video below, featuring Showta Mori in a hilarious demonstration of his iPhone Quick Release System, which he calls “Quick on the Call.” It’s a system of metal rails with a case at the tip, which allows you to quickly bring your phone up to your hand with a quick motion of the forearm. It’s stupid and useless, and brilliant all at once.

Best of all, you can buy your own at the guy’s Etsy shop, for $60. It’s compatible with iPhone 4, 4S and 5.

Want another hilarious video? Hit the jump.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ NoPuedoCreer ]

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