Iqua Solar-Powered Bluetooth Headset

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Evan Ackerman Avatar


Key Takeaways

Iqua Vogue

By Evan Ackerman

A few days ago at 3GSM in Barcelona, Iqua (in partnership with Suntrica) showed off their solar-powered bluetooth headsets. Modeled on their existing Vogue headset (pictured above), I assume it’ll have some solar panels on the outside, which can be used to charge the internal battery. The only hard numbers available say it’ll weigh 14 grams (no details about talk time, charge time, or battery life), and if it’s got the same specs as the Vogue, it’ll be a pretty typical headset otherwise. From the press release:

Imagine sailing with friends – most of them have mobile phones, digital cameras, MP3 players and laptops on the boat. When there is an opportunity to charge the batteries, everyone rushes to get their device plugged. With the new elegant Iqua headset, you can just relax, sunbathe and let its battery charge. With the BHS-603 SUN, you not only look stylish, but save energy at the same time.

Yeah, my friends and I go sailing (?) with our laptops (??) all the time. What concerns me most, though, is the serious dilemma that this will pose for techno-hippies everywhere: you can have either long hair, or solar power. Not both.

[ Suntrica Press Release (DOC) ] VIA [ Anina ]

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