You don’t have to be an Apple fanboy (or fangirl) to know that the next iPhone is coming–and it’s coming soon. While the world waits with bated breaths, Apple is taking their own sweet time before making the big reveal.
So while they do that, New York-based comedian Adam Sacks decided to take matters into his own hands and “leaked” his own version of an “official” iPhone 5 promo video. And while it’s all sorts of ridiculous, it’s hilarious and extremely amusing at the same time.
Self-proclaimed and true-blue foodies like to use their iPhones to take photos of their food. That’s the point Sacks latched on to and decided to expound in the video. The iPhone 5 he boasts of is a basically a DLSR in the guise of a phone, stamped with the Apple logo, and that was it.
Check out the video after the jump for a few laughs.