Is Epson About To End Printer Ink Price Gouging With Its EcoTank Line?

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Chris Scott Barr Avatar


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Printer ink is one of the biggest rackets: you’re paying something like $70+ an ounce for that liquid, which is more than the most expensive scotch. But if Epson’s promise comes true, affordable printer ink is just around the corner. Its upcoming line of printers called EcoTank will have large, refillable cartridges that will last up to two years! Replacement ink will cost $13 per color, or $52 for all four, and that amount should last two years as well. Of course, your mileage may vary depending on how much you print, but these four bottles should be enough for 4,000 black pages, and 6,500 color pages. At current prices, you’d have to shell out $800 to print the same amount. That’s $750 in savings! The catch is that the printers themselves will be rather expensive, costing between $380 to $500 upfront. Still, if you’re using dead trees to communicate, you might want to look into this.


[ Product Page ] VIA [ ChipChick ]

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