Is The Neptune Pine The Smartwatch We’ve All Been Waiting For?

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Smart watches may be the way of the future, but most current attempts have been sort of clumsy. While the Pebble is doing well, Samsung’s Gear has been met with tepid reviews due to its clunky interface and smartphone-companion-only status. The Neptune Pine, pictured above, promises to give you exactly what the Gear was lacking, which is complete smartphone functionality with no need for an phone nearby. Aside from being able to make and receive calls, here are a few features.

At its core, the Pine is an Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean device (Android 4.4 KitKat will be supported after launch). It has a 2.4-inch (320 x 240 resolution) touchscreen, 1.2GHz Qualcomm Cortex-A5 dual-core processor, 3G HSPA+ connectivity (no 4G LTE here), 16GB or 32GB of internal storage, GPS, Bluetooth 4.0, Wi-Fi, gyroscope and accelerometer, and two cameras (a 5-megapixel rear camera on the back and a VGA-resolution front camera; both with LED flash).

If it works as advertised, the Pine could be that Dick Tracy-esque device so many geeks have been waiting for. And you can still get in on the action at $229, on the more than fully funded Kickstarter campaign. If you wait until this hits retail, it’ll cot you $335.

[ Project Page ] VIA [ DVice ]

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