Is This The Ocean 2?

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Chris Scott Barr Avatar


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By Luke Anderson

A while back I made the switch from a Helio Ocean to a Mysto. The Mysto is a great device, but I’ve been missing the full QWERTY keyboard like crazy. I keep telling myself that I’ll just wait for an Ocean 2 to come along, because I know that the minute I go and purchase another Ocean, they’ll release an upgrade.

It seems that the gang over at Engadget have spotted what they believe to be Ocean 2. The believed specs on this phone include a 3MP camera, dual-slider function, 1GB of internal storage (with a microSDHC for external storage) in-browser Flash support, 30fps video recording, touch-sensitive directional pad and the ability to sync with your PC.

Hopefully most of this rumor ends up having some truth behind it. Heck, maybe they can get around to releasing it before the 3G iPhone comes out. Here’s to hoping!

VIA [ Engadget Mobile ]

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