By Andrew Liszewski
Forget about cellphones and other such gadgets, even the bowls the Japanese use to feed their pets are more advanced than most of the tech we have access to. The iSeePet360, whose name seems to capitalize on some of the more popular consumer electronics on the market provides an easy way for busy pet owners to keep an eye on their furry companions while they’re away from home.
Using a cellphone or PC, they can access a web enabled camera on the iSeePet360 to see what their pet is doing at any time. And if the animal doesn’t happen to be in range of the camera, the owner can trigger an audio announcement that dinner is ready while remotely releasing dry pet food into the bowl. From my own experiences, if that doesn’t bring them running you know they’re probably getting into trouble.
And if you’re thinking to yourself that such ‘luxury’ doesn’t come cheap you’d be right. The iSeePet360 is available for about $444 but come on, you’d do anything for your pet right?
[ iSeePet360 ] VIA [ SCI FI Tech ]