By Andrew Liszewski
I’m all about going the extra mile to ensure kids are safe and sound, but I also believe the occasional scraped knee builds character. So I’m a little dismayed to see Italtrike’s take on the classic tricycle, which is an important staple in a little kid’s dangerous stunt repertoire. It’s got a padded seat featuring a 3-point safety harness while the front wheel can’t turn sharper than 45 degrees to reduce the chance of kids having fun the tricycle jack-knifing and toppling over.
Instead of pedals on the front wheel the oko Plus features a completely enclosed chain-drive too, and on top of it all there’s even a handbrake! I guess the days of kids controlling their speed down a steep hill with just the soles of their shoes are long gone. On the plus side the seat and handlebars are adjustable to nine different positions allowing the tricycle to grow with your child from 2 to 5 years of age, which is good since you’ll want to get as much use out of it as possible because it runs ~$146.
[ Italtrike oko Plus ] VIA [ Gizmag ]