There are a good number of tracking devices on the market, which allow you to keep tabs on your kids, your car, your luggage or anything else that you might want to keep track of. But they all use GPS to determine their location. While that’s precise and normally sufficient, it comes with a few drawbacks, like increased battery drain. The 5-thick credit-card sized iTraq drops the use of GPS altogether and instead opts for triangulating cellular towers to determine its location. The concept is interesting. See, you buy this device which comes with its own battery and SIM card, with prepaid service, and you’ll be able to locate it for up to 3 years without having to do a single additional thing. iTraq is set to report its location at a rate you determine, between once an hour to once a day, and the battery can last for 1,500 of these connections. No matter where you are in the world, as long as there is a GSM cellular tower, you’ll be able to find iTraq. Ok, the level of accuracy is nowhere close to that of GPS, but it is sufficient for you to know if, for instance, your kids are in school or ditching class (assuming they don’t know they’re being tracked), or if your car is in the parking lot, or joyriding somewhere in town. Service is prepaid until the battery runs out, and once it does you’ll be provided with the ability to replace it and pay for a new round of service. It’s a $49 pledge with an August 2015 delivery date.
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